Why Our NHS Should Listen And Be Human: This Is What The Public Are Telling Us – The Patients Association

This report highlights that far too many patients are still experiencing unacceptable standards of care within the health and social care system. It includes patient stories and experiences of care within the NHS to illustrate the gap between patient experience and the commitments of the NHS Constitution.


You Can Teach Someone to Be More Creative – Harvard Business Review

Though our inspiration levels fluctuate from time to time, we all differ in our baseline levels of creativity. For instance, it is safe to assume that John Coltrane was more creative than Justin Bieber, and that the creative talent of Leonardo Da Vinci exceeded that of George W. Bush. In the world of business, few entrepreneurs can realistically expect to emulate the colossi of innovation, such as Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, or Richard Branson, or the companies they created.

But can you coach someone to be more creative?


Keep Your Home Life Sane when Work Gets Crazy – Harvard Business Review

When you’re going through a phase that compels you to put in more time, effort, brainpower, and heart into your job, how do you work it out with your family and others who matter in your life? And how do you make sure this spike in your focus on work doesn’t become a “new normal” that extends indefinitely into the future? The short answer: Dialogue about what matters most – to you and to them.


Staff engagement: six building blocks for harnessing the creativity and enthusiasm of NHS staff – The King’s Fund

There is now an overwhelming body of evidence to show that engaged staff deliver better health care. Trusts with more engaged staff tend to have lower levels of patient mortality, make better use of resources, and have stronger financial performance and higher patient satisfaction, with more patients reporting that they were treated with dignity and respect. This paper encourages boards and other leaders to focus on staff engagement and suggests a number of questions boards can ask to assess their organisation’s level of staff engagement.


What Everyone Should Know About Office Politics – Harvard Business Review

Nobody really likes office politics. In fact, most of us try to avoid it all costs. But the reality is that companies are, by nature, political organizations, which means that if you want to survive andthrive at work, you can’t just sit out on the sidelines. If you want to make an impact in your own organization, like it or not, you’re going to need to learn to play the game. That doesn’t mean you have to play dirty, but you have to figure out how to influence those around you.

Are You Proud of How You’re Spending Your Time? – Harvard Business Review

When you feel like you’re just one e-mail away from failure at work, it can seem ludicrous to take your eyes off of what you believe absolutely needs to get done to consider what you might regret in the future. The amount of demands coming at you feels so crushing and so unavoidable that you justify a missed soccer game here, a canceled dinner with a friend there, and a never-used gym membership over there, with the thought, I was just doing what it takes to get everything done.

Building an Effective Team: Creating a Productive and Efficient Group – Mind Tools

What comes to mind when you think about an effective team?

You might picture a team that works seamlessly as a whole.

Everyone brings unique talents and strengths to the table, no-one is playing politics or bickering, and there’s just enough competitive spirit to bring out the best in everyone. Work gets done effectively, and everyone contributes to the team’s goals.

It can be a challenge to reach this level of effectiveness if you’re putting together a new team, or if you’re developing an existing one. However, it’s much easier if you have a plan in place.

This article highlights a common-sense, step-by-step process for building and maintaining an effective team.
