News Bulletin for Monday 31st March

Solving the NHS care and cash crisis This report, authored by the former Minister for Health Reform Lord Warner, argues that NHS funding from general taxation should rise only with inflation and proposes a NHS membership scheme for UK residents. It also argues that the creation of a national health…

NHS TDA and DH framework agreement

The Department of Health and the NHS Trust Development Authority have jointly signed a framework agreement that sets out the relationship between the two organisations. The agreement covers roles and responsibilities and lines of accountability, and describes how the Department and the Authority will work together: 14-03-19 NHTDA Framework Agreement…

News Bulletin for Friday 21st March

Review of CQC’s new approach to inspecting hospitals The Care Quality Commission has published the findings from an independent review of their new approach to inspecting hospitals. The CQC commissioned the Kings Fund and Manchester Business School to carry out this evaluation and will use this information to improve the way…

News Bulletin for Thursday 20th March

What providers should do to improve long-term care for frail older people Report recommends joint personal budgets, speeding up and reviewing workforce capacity and capability.The NHS’s greatest success has become its most daunting challenge: people are living longer but increasingly with one or more conditions, a demographic change that…

News Bulletin for Wednesday 19th March

A new vision for Urgent and Emergency Care – Professor Keith Willett, director for acute episodes of care, NHS England: We have just emerged from another winter where Accident and Emergency Departments up and down the country have been under unprecedented scrutiny.  There was a great deal of expectation that…

News Bulletin for Tuesday 18th March

Expert group: Leave Francis constitution amendments ’till later’ – HSJ An expert group set up to review the future of the NHS Constitution has rejected the Francis report’s recommendation the document should be rewritten and has instead said the government should focus on making sure it was “publicised, embedded and applied”.…

News Bulletin for Monday 17th March

Irish study backs simulation Nurse Education in Practice, Volume 14, Issue 2, March 2014, Pages 154–159 More and more medical and nursing education is using simulation as a way of improving patient safety, reducing litigation, helping medical and nursing students get around the lack of opportunities for real-life practice and…

News Bulletin for Friday 14th March

ESR to host Disclosure and Barring Service webinar The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) NHS Central Team will be hosting a Disclosure and Barring Service familiarisation & implementation webinar on 3 April 2014. Bite-size guides to support patient and public participation in the NHS NHS England has developed some bite-size guides…

News Bulletin for Wednesday 12th March

Clarifications to draft Better Care Fund plan submission Following the initial submission of draft Better Care Fund (BCF) plans, a number of common issues arose, these have now been updated Hospital providers may be set different saving targets – HSJ Monitor and NHS England are considering setting acute providers different…

Frontline First: more than just a number

This report reveals that there are 3,994 fewer full time equivalent nursing staff working in senior positions than in April 2010. Staff working at this level include ward sisters, community matrons, clinical nurse specialists and advanced nurse practitioners. It warns that with almost 4,000 fewer senior nursing posts than 2010,…