Developing Charisma: Increasing Your Influence in the Workplace – Mind Tools

Have you ever worked with a very charismatic leader? If so, then it’s likely that almost everyone in the organization liked, trusted and admired this person.

People listened when she talked, colleagues supported her ideas, and talented people wanted to join her team. In short, everyone wanted to be around this person!

Charisma is something that many people believe you’re born with. However, this isn’t the case – you can become more charismatic, and we’ll explore how you can develop charisma in this article


The Influence Model: Using Reciprocity to Gain Influence – Mind Tools

Have you ever tried to get something – perhaps advice, support, or a key piece of information – from someone who didn’t want to help you?

Sometimes, it can be extremely difficult to get people’s help, especially when we have no authority over them. This is where an approach such as the Cohen-Bradford Influence Model can help us identify what other people value. We can then use that information so that everyone gets the outcome they want.

In this article we’ll examine the Influence Model in detail, and discuss how you can use it when you need help from other people.