Considerations on assurance and quality improvement – NHS Improving Quality

This paper is a resource for hospital Trust boards, senior managers and clinicians leading the implementation of the Priorities for Care. 

Using learning from hospital Trusts who are part of NHS Improving Quality’s Transforming End of Life Care in Acute Hospitals Programme, it focuses on how to assure quality and demonstrate improvement in the care provided to patients in the last days of life and those who are important to them.

The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation – NHS Improving Quality

NHS Improving Quality has published a new White Paper – The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation: A call to action for leaders of health and care.

The paper looks at new directions in improvement and change thinking from around the world, and from other industries. It distils this information to inform the design and delivery of improvement and transformational change techniques in health and care services.

It sets out five enablers for the “emerging direction” in change and references research evidence as well as ideas from opinion leaders:

You can’t be a great manager if you’re not a good coach – Harvard Business Review Blog

This considers how the experience of making progress of work is something which is personally meaningful. It looks at how as a leader you can use this to better understand what motivates and drives an individual. With this information you can use coaching techniques such as deep listening and asking the correct questions to create and sustain a developmental alliance, move forward positively and create accountability.