Going with change: Allowing new models of healthcare to be provided for NHS patients – Reform

Report from the Think Tank Reform that identifies in response to an affordability gap of £30 billion by the end of the decade and variability in quality the NHS will need to change an learn lessons from outside markets e.g. the retail sector. Key lessons are:

  1. The “hub and spoke” model of the grocery industry with larger superstores and smaller local outlets is a powerful example for the configuration of specialist and community hospitals.
  2. Like supermarket chains, the NHS can learn to harness the contribution of the consumer through membership cards and online access
  3. If medicine took a “zero error” approach and learnt the lessons of advanced car manufacturing there would be a dramatic improvement in quality

To implement the change necessary this report suggests that the following three models are likely to provide a backdrop:

  1. the existing model of fragmented care,
  2. a new business model of integrated care
  3. a technology-enabled business model that has yet to be developed.