Oxford Handbook of Operative Surgery (3 ed.)

Author: Anil Agarwal, Neil Borley, and Greg McLatchie
Format: Webpage Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2017
Print ISBN-13: 9780199608911
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199608911.001.0001

The Oxford Handbook of Operative Surgery (OHOS) is for surgical trainees in their early years of training. Medical students and nurses will also find it useful. It follows the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme syllabus. The format is indications, anatomy, procedure, post-operative complications, tips and tricks. Numerous illustrations are used throughout the book. The general surgery chapter covers preoperative assessment, consent, antibiotics prophylaxis, and venous thromboembolism, WHO checklist, energy devices used in operations, duty of candour, sutures, meshes, hernia repair. All the specialties are covered. These are upper gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary pancreatic, colorectal, breast, endocrine, paediatric, vascular, transplantation, urology, plastic and reconstructive, cardiothoracic, neurosurgery, ENT, oral and maxillofacial, and orthopaedics surgery.