Design for Inclusivity: A Practical Guide to Accessible, Innovative and User-Centred Design

Author: Roger Coleman, John Clarkson, Hua Dong and Julia Cassim. Pages: 268  Format: EPUB Publisher: Routledge
17 Oct. 2017
eISBN-13: 978-0566087073

Inclusive design not only ensures that products, services, interfaces and environments are easier to use for those with special needs or limitations, but in doing so also makes them better for everyone. Design for Inclusivity, written by a team that has pioneered inclusive design practice internationally, reviews the recent social trends and pressures that have pushed this subject to the fore, and assesses design responses to date in an international context. The authors make the business case for inclusive design and explain the formalisation of the approach in standards and legislation. The text includes case studies which describe transport, product development, IT and service projects, as well as industry-university collaborative projects, and highlights lessons that have been learned. This is very much a practical book. It offers tools, techniques, guidelines and signposts for the reader to key resources, as well as including advice on research methods, and working with users and industry partners.

Facilities Planning and Design

Author: Garcia-Diaz, Alberto, J. MacGregor Smith Smith, J. MacGregor Pages: 466 Size: 8.19 MB Format: PDF Publisher: Pearson Education M.U.A.
Published: 03 October, 2013
eISBN-13: 9781292053110

For undergraduate courses in facilities planning and material handling. Based on ten years’ teaching experience, this text takes a practical, teachable approach to facilities planning and design. A class design project centered on a factory incorporates the theoretical aspects of facilities planning and design. Motivating and illustrating mathematical models wherever possible, the text explores facilities planning, capstone design, and even simulation modelling.