Embryology at a Glance, 2nd ed

Author: Webster S and de Wreede R
Pages: 128p.
Format: EPUB
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, (22 April 2016)

Embryology at a Glance is a highly illustrated and innovative introduction to key embryological concepts, with concise, memorable descriptions of major embryological developments. This new edition covers the basic principles of human development, from mitosis and meiosis, before exploring the primary formation of each body system, including the development of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems during the foetal and neonatal periods.

Key features include:

  • New chapters on cell signalling genes, stem cells, and antenatal screening for common congenital and genetic defects
  • Full colour photographs and illustrations
  • Links to clinical practice highlighted throughout
  • Timelines of each developmental stage
  • MCQs and EMQs for revision and review
  • A companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/embryology featuring 15 brand new animations, and podcasts to help clearly explain the processes that occur during development. An additional instructor resource contains an image bank of all the figures from the book to aid teaching this fascinating area