Physical assessment of the newborn: a comprehensive approach to the art of physical examination. 5th Edition

Author: Tappero EP. Pages:302 Format: PDF
Publisher: Springer
eISBN-13: 9780826121936

This valuable and essential resource illustrates the principles and skills needed to gather assessment data systematically and accurately, and also provides a knowledge base for interpretation of this data. Coverage addresses: gestational assessment, neurologic assessment, neonatal history, assessment of the dysmorphic infant, and systemic evaluation of individual body systems, as well as key information on behavioral and pain assessment, including the use of specific tools with various groups ranging from term to extremely preterm infants. Numerous tables, figures, illustrations, and photos, many of them in full color, are a major strength that enhances the book’s usefulness as a clinical resource. The text is an excellent teaching tool and resource for anyone who performs newborn examinations including nurses, neonatal and pediatric nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, physicians and therapists. It can also serve as a core text for any program preparing individuals for advanced practice roles in neonatal care.