Develop Your Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills: A Practical Resource for Healthcare Administrative and Clerical Staff

Author: Stainsby K
Pages: 152p.
Format: Epub
Publisher: CRC Press, 20 Mar. 2007
eISBN-13: 978-1560244332

A book written to help administrative and clerical staff in their work role, to provide information and practical suggestions. A large part of what the do involves communicating with other people: colleagues, patients, relatives, carers and the general public. Given the complexities, vulnerabilities and sometimes ‘demanding behaviour’ of other people, this may at times be an arduous task. Healthcare jobs take their toll on people, and being able to manage the various demands without being ground down is a great challenge. This book will help to affirm and build upon what they already know in a way that supports both them and their work.

Managing Conflicts at Work: Diffuse tense situations and resolve arguments amicably

Author: 50minutes.Com Size: 1.55 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: 50 Minutes
Published: 11 August, 2017
eISBN-13: 9782806269881

Ready to take your business to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about conflict resolution in the workplace with this practical guide. Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships and often arises at work due to differences of opinion, disagreements over tasks or personality clashes. However, conflict does not have to be destructive: acting quickly will enable you to resolve the situation amicably, and disagreement can even lead to new ideas and innovation if it is channelled well. In 50 minutes you will be able to:

  • Develop your assertiveness and make sure that your needs are respected
  • Defuse tensions between colleagues before the situation deteriorates
  • Channel conflict constructively to generate new ideas and solutions to problems

Developing Your Assertiveness: Communicate clearly and improve your professional relationships

Author: 50minutes.Com Pages: 22 Size: 1.73 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: 50 Minutes
Published: 03 November, 2017
eISBN-13: 9782808000512

Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about becoming more assertive with this practical guide. Both at home and at work, we are constantly bombarded with demands and requests, and it can be difficult to say no. However, if we do not put our own needs first from time to time, we can end up frustrated, angry and even burnt out. Assertiveness is therefore a vital asset, as it allows us to set clear boundaries and ensure that they are respected, which makes for healthier communication and professional relationships. In 50 minutes you will be able to:

  • Find out what is stopping you from asserting yourself at work
  • Say no to unreasonable requests without hurting the other person
  • Communicate effectively with both colleagues and managers

Assertiveness Made Easy: Stand up for yourself and communicate more effectively

Author: 50minutes.Com Pages: 43 Size: 1.15 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: 50 Minutes
Published: 26 November, 2018
eISBN-13: 9782808011150

Increase your assertiveness in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Assertiveness is a vital asset in our professional, personal and family relationships as it enables us to ensure that our needs are respected and that we feel valued. It is closely linked to the technique of Nonviolent Communication and is an effective way of boosting our self-confidence and self-esteem.

In this book, you will learn exactly what assertiveness is and why it matters. It also features tips to communicate clearly and effectively, as well as the golden rules to follow and pitfalls to avoid as you work to become more assertive.