Stroke Medicine (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Neurology) (2 ed.)

Author: Hugh Markus, Anthony Pereira, and Geoffrey Cloud
Format: Webpage Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2016
Print ISBN-13: 9780198737889
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780198737889.001.0001

Recent years have seen a revolution in the profile of stroke. Often thought of as an untreatable disease we now realize that not only can many strokes be prevented, but acute treatment can have a major impact on outcome. There has been great recent interest in thrombolysis and thrombectomy but other aspects of stroke care including organized stroke unit care, and effective secondary prevention and rehabilitation also have a major impact on outcome. Clinicians looking after stroke patients need rapid access to up-to-date practical information on how to look after stroke patients. This handbook of Stroke Medicine is aimed to provide a ready source of information for both stroke trainees and consultants. It covers diagnosis and investigation of the stroke patient, as well as treatment ranging from primary and secondary prevention, to acute care and rehabilitation. It also covers rarer causes of stroke and the increasing important area of vascular cognitive impairment. It is written to cover the syllabus of the UK stroke specialist training programme and other similar programmes worldwide

Oxford Textbook of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease

Author: Bo Norrving
Format: Webpage Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2014
Print ISBN-13: 9780199641208
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199641208.001.0001

The Oxford Textbook of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease is a comprehensive resource on clinical stroke, covering all major aspects of cerebrovascular disease, including epidemiology, risk factors, primary prevention, pathophysiology, diagnostics, clinical features, acute therapies, secondary prevention, prognosis, and rehabilitation. It makes use of current pedagogic principles, and includes not only aspects on management in the acute hospital phase of stroke, but also public health issues, prevention, long-term management, and silent vascular disease (which is becoming increasingly epidemic in the general population). Topical aspects also include advice to improve clinical skills in examination, diagnosing, and treating stroke. It also covers the fields of silent cerebrovascular disease (silent brain infarcts, microbleeds, white matter ischemic abnormalities) that more recently have been recognized to be highly prevalent in the general population, and that carry important risks on vascular events and cognitive decline/dementia.

Fast Facts: Hypertension

Author: Graham A. Macgregor, Michael Stowasser.
Pages: 74 Size: 12.89 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: Health Press
Published: 15 February, 2016
eISBN-13: 9781910797051

Hypertension is a highly treatable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, yet it remains underdiagnosed, undertreated and, in many cases, poorly controlled. Sometimes dubbed ‘the silent killer’, hypertension rarely produces symptoms until it manifests as a heart attack or stroke. Early identification of the condition by routine blood pressure measurement and appropriate ongoing management are therefore vital. In this updated fifth edition of Fast Facts: Hypertension, two authors of international renown provide a practical evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of the condition. The book provides a thorough overview of hypertension, covering: – Accurate measurement of blood pressure and problems such as ‘white-coat’ hypertension – Routine assessments for people with high blood pressure – Consideration of other modifiable risk factors – smoking, high cholesterol levels, etc. – Non-pharmacological measures that doctors can advise on – reduce salt, lose weight, increase physical activity, etc. – Up-to-date trial results on all the pharmacological options – Special considerations for the treatment of children, pregnant women, the elderly and patients with diabetes. Primary care physicians have a leading role to play in screening for hypertension and ensuring that patients receive the most appropriate treatment. Fast Facts: Hypertension provides a concise readable refresher on this common and potentially devastating condition.

Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions

Author: Editor, Sheila A. Alexander.
Pages: 314 Size: 9.06 MB Format: PDF Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Published: 13 November, 2012
eISBN-13: 9781118485941

With the aging population ever growing, healthcare for persons suffering from stroke and related illnesses is increasingly important. Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions provides a comprehensive and practical guide for novice, experienced and advanced practice nurses working with patients suffering from stroke and other neurovascular conditions. With a focus specifically on neurovascular disorders, this highly detailed text offers easy-to-find information on evidence-based care guidelines. The book begins with a thorough introduction to normal cerebrovascular anatomy and physiology and common pathologic mechanisms, describing the unique challenges in working with this patient group. Later chapters provide the pathophysiology, diagnostic and current nursing interventions for the care of patients with neurovascular disorders including transient ischemic attacks, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, Moyamoya, Migraines and more. Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions is a must-have resource for practitioners caring for patients enduring stroke and other neurovascular conditions.