Unequal impact?

Coronavirus and BAME people

Source: The King’s Fund Health and Wellbeing Bulletin

This report outlines the findings of an inquiry that aimed to explore the pre-existing inequalities facing people from ethnic minorities and how these inequalities have impacted on their vulnerability to the virus. It makes a series of recommendations to help mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on ethnic minority groups.

To find out more about the Women and Equalities Committee click here.

Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2020

Health trends and variation in England

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

After a brief section on the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in England, the main report consists of a collection of charts that present a broad and high-level overview of the nation’s health across a range of health outcomes and public health indicators. A key theme is the variation in health that exists across different dimensions: over geographies, over time, and between groups of people.

To find out more click here.

Fiction Collection

Now that we are into a new year why not try reading something new, a new author or genre maybe?

We have a large collection of fiction in the Gosall library, you can search our catalogue here. If you normally read crime or mystery novels why not try reading a biography? Or if fantasy is normally your bag why not give romance a go?!

We have a few ideas on display in the main library and the rest of our fiction collection can be found in the snug. Please feel free to browse and check out any books of interest using the self-issue machine. Alternatively, email the library team at academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk and we can post books out to you.

The library team is also happy to recommend books for you.

Healthy Eating in January

Now more than ever it is important to keep our bodies and minds healthy, so in the library this month we are promoting healthy eating

If you are visiting the library please have a look at our display of healthy eating books and help yourself to one of our healthy eating recipe cards. If you are interested in borrowing any of the books on display these can be checked out in the library using the self issue machine. Alternatively if you would like us to post a book out to you please email the library team: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk

We will be featuring the recipes throughout the month on Twitter, please follow us @LscftL and share your own healthy food creations!

Reforming the finances of the NHS

Source: The King’s Fund- Health Management and Policy Alert

It is a time of transition in NHS finance. The planned recovery from years of deficits and debts that plagued parts of the NHS in recent years has been hit by the enormity of the Covid-19 shock. Alongside this planned recovery, the NHS has been moving away from its decades-long journey toward competition between individual organisations and using market-like approaches to improve performance, to a design based on collaboration and improving population health. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the NHS was working to restore financial health and deliver on fundamental reform; now, it must achieve these objectives with the added challenge of recovering from the damage of Covid-19.

A new financial architecture for the NHS requires coherence and balance, and a recognition that any national financial strategy will be heavily mediated by the quality of local relationships. The King’s Fund new long read discusses how lessons from the recent history of NHS finances can help the system plan for the future.

To read the article click here.