Closer links between police and health services can improve experiences for people in mental health crisis

NIHR Signal, August 2019

New models are emerging of mental health staff working with police. This NIHR-funded review found limited UK-relevant evidence of mixed quality. Studies showed different models in use, from police and mental health staff responding to incidents together to health staff in police control rooms providing support and advice. There was little evidence on which approaches work best, but some research suggested a reduction in formal detentions although there were few outcome data reported. Research shows potential for improving health outcomes for individuals in crisis by ensuring they are diverted to appropriate services, and in helping direct the appropriate use of police and NHS resources.

Click here to view the full report.

Be the change: Ensuring an effective response to all in psychiatric emergency equal to medical care: Recommendations from the first international summit on urgent and emergency behavioural healthcare

NHS Clinical Commissioners, October 2018
Behavioural health crisis is a global problem. Behavioural health is an inclusive term that covers the emotions, behaviours and biology relating to a person’s mental well-being, their ability to function in everyday life and their concept of self. It includes mental health, substance misuse and the physical consequences that result.  It calls for an integrated, systematic approach to behavioural health crisis care at the national level – this is seen as the only way to end the current fragmentation of care and makes 10 recommendations.
Click here to view the full report.