Living (and dying) as an older person in prison: understanding the biggest health care challenges for an ageing prisoner population

Tough conditions in prison disproportionately affect older prisoners, and they tend to be in poorer health than the general population research by the Nuffield Trust has found. The research uses hospital sourced data and finds significant health care needs associated with frailty amongst the prison population, which has implications for the prison service in managing increasing numbers of older people as the population continues to age.

Living (and dying) as an older person in prison (

A third more people die at home since the start of the Covid pandemic

Research compiled by think tank the Nuffield Trust shows that, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a third more people have died at home in England. This research sheds light on the services used by people who died at home in England, both before and during the first year of the pandemic, including looking at variation between socio-economic and ethnic groups, and by cause of death. The report includes a perspective on the findings from a patient and public involvement group based on their own experiences of end-of-life care.

Deaths at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and implications for patients and services | Nuffield Trust

Surprising trends growing in social care

The recent King’s Fund report on adult social care Social care 360 | The King’s Fund ( has shown surprising trends in social care, a King’s Fund analyst has found. These trends include ten times more working-age adults are requesting support than receiving it, spending on community and nursing care has increased, but the number of people receiving care has fallen and fewer people are receiving respite care.

Three surprising trends in adult social care | The King’s Fund (