Inclusive Health Framework for NHS published

NHS England has published a framework on the role the NHS plays in improving healthcare and how partnerships across sectors such as housing and the voluntary and community sector play a key role in addressing wider determinants of health. Inclusion health is an umbrella term used to describe people who are socially excluded, who typically experience multiple interacting risk factors for poor health, such as stigma, discrimination, poverty, violence, and complex trauma.

NHS England » A national framework for NHS – action on inclusion health

Learning Disabilities and Autism Bulletin

The latest Learning Disabilities and Autism Bulletin produced by the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Evidently Better team is now available. If you are unable to access any of the included articles please contact

10 October 2023 – Evidently Better

Could focusing on recovery enable workforce ambitions?

In this blog post for the King’s Fund, Dr Sonya Wallbank argues that rather than just focus on occupational health once individuals are too unwell to work, the NHS needs to build an ongoing recovery and support offer that encourages good health and wellbeing among staff and the services they deliver. 

Enabling the workforce plan ambitions by focusing on recovery   | The King’s Fund (

Suicide Prevention bulletin

The latest Suicide Prevention bulletin from Mersey Care’s Evidently Better team is now available. If you are unable to access any of the included articles please contact

Suicide Prevention – Evidently Better

And if you are interested in suicide prevention strategy, take a look at next week’s Lunch and Learn on suicide prevention across LSCFT.

Strategies to improve the supply of clinical staff to the NHS

An analysis by the Nuffield Trust sets out the scale of NHS attrition and puts forward a 10-point plan to improve retention, including a policy proposal to gradually write off clinicians’ student debt over 10 years.

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