Library Bulletin

Making Every Contact Count

The new edition of ‘Making Every Contact Count’ bulletin is now available to view and download.

This edition features current awareness for the following topics (with relevant articles related to the Covid 19 pandemic):

Smoking Cessation

Healthy Weight

Healthy Eating


Physical activity

The majority of articles have direct links to the publications, however please get in touch if you are struggling to access any of the articles within the bulletin.

Please remember to contact with any topics you would like to see in future bulletins.

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Preventing suicide in England: fifth progress report of the cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives Department of Health and Social Care; 27th March 2021

(This report details the steps taken to reduce deaths by suicide since 2019. It sets out the data and evidence on suicide and self-harm; the progress made against existing commitments designed to prevent suicides and self-harm; and further actions for the government and its agencies, particularly in the context of Covid-19.)

The cost of smoking to the social care system ASH; March 2021

(This report finds that on average smokers in England need care when they are 63, 10 years sooner than non-smokers. It estimates that £1.2 billion a year is spent on people who have care needs as a result of smoking. It calls for more comprehensive tobacco control strategies in order to ease the pressure on the social care system.)

Covid-19 mental health and wellbeing recovery action plan Department of Health and Social Care; 31 March 2021

(This action plan sets out an ambitious, cross-government, whole-person approach to promoting positive mental health and supporting people living with mental illness to recover and live well. While this plan sets out what the government will do in the coming year, it is also a call to action for the whole of society, for local communities, families and for individuals, who can take simple steps to look after their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around them – and can reach out for support, including from mental health services when necessary.)

The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days The Early Years Healthy Development Review Report

(This report sets out the findings of the Early Years’ Healthy Development Review, which was asked to review the first 1,001 critical days from pregnancy through to the age of two. The review sets out a vision for best practice across the health system to ensure babies and children can get the best possible start.)

Alcohol-related harm and drinking behaviour Nuffield Trust

(Excessive alcohol consumption can have harmful health consequences in the short term but also in the long term, through conditions such as liver disease, stroke and some cancers. This indicator explores whether alcohol-related harm and drinking behaviour has changed over time.)

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

National Child Measurement Programme: childhood obesity.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Research by University College London (UCL) shares learning from local authorities that have a downward trend in childhood obesity, including practice examples. 15 February 2021: Added PHE Centres documents: North of England, Midlands, South of England, East of England and London.)

COVID-19 vaccination: British Sign Language resources.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(British Sign Language (BSL) videos on COVID-19 vaccination.)

County lines exploitation: applying All Our Health.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Guidance to help health professionals prevent child exploitation and protect vulnerable children that have been manipulated and coerced into crime.)

Changes over 15 years in the contribution of adiposity and smoking to deaths in England and Scotland.
BMC Public Health; 2021.

(Adiposity now accounts for more deaths in England and Scotland than smoking among people in middle- and old-age. National strategies to address adiposity should be a public health priority.)

Support for domestic abuse victims.
House of Commons Library; 2021.

(This briefing outlines support for victims of domestic violence and abuse. It considers social services, housing, social security benefits, health services and preventive actions in education settings.)