British Medical Association Report

The country is getting sicker: The urgent need to address growing health inequalities and protect our health in the face of an economic crisis.

This report contains anonymous testimonials from doctors, patients,
and carers across the UK about their experiences of a country that is
getting sicker in the face of an economic crisis.

Read the report here.

Sexual orientation and gender identity in the medical profession

British Medical Association

Source: The King’s Fund

This report has found that fewer than half (46 per cent) of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer respondents feel able to be open about their sexual orientation where they work or study. The report, based on 2,490 responses from doctors across the UK, suggests a medical workforce that still suffers from and engages in persistent negative stereotypes, derogatory language and social exclusion. It makes several recommendations around improving medical curricula, better training, increasing the visibility of LGBTQ+ role models and enabling dialogue and space to learn.

To find out more click here.

Supporting the mental health of NHS staff

The role of NHS leaders in reducing mental health stigma and creating mentally healthy cultures

Source: The King’s Fund; Health Management and Policy Alert

This guide, funded by the British Medical Association and posted on the Mental Health at Work website, aims to provide practical advice, hints and tips to help NHS leaders and line managers to create mentally healthy cultures and support better mental health. It includes information about mental health stigmas, and how to break them down. It is the first of a series of resources aimed at NHS leaders, managers and champions.

For more resources to support mental health at work visit