Mental Health

Current Awareness Updates

Advancing mental health equalities strategy.
NHS England; 2020.
[This strategy summarises the core actions that we all need to take to bridge the gaps for communities fairing worse than others in mental health services. It is also an important element of the overall NHS plans to accelerate action to address health inequalities in the next stage of responding to COVID-19.]

Children and young people’s mental health review: findings from a questionnaire to health and wellbeing boards on local actions.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.
[Follow up of a 2018 review looking at the quality of, and access to, mental health services for children and young people. It sets out the findings of a 2019 independent follow-up self-assessment questionnaire, to find out the extent to which health and wellbeing board areas in England had progressed with implementing the local recommendations made.]

Mental health rehabilitation inpatient services: 2019 update.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.
[Updated findings from 114 mental health rehabilitation inpatient providers about patients that were occupying a mental health bed at the time of the information request. Questions included number of beds, current number of patients and their distance from home, funding and number of locked wards.]

Assessment of mental health services in acute trusts.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.
[Findings from over 100 acute hospital inspections, how well the mental health care needs of patients were met and where trusts, and the wider system, need to improve.]

MeeTwo mental health app: case study.
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; 2020.
[The app provides safe, fully-moderated peer support to 40,000 young people aged 11 to 25 across the UK. The free app enables users to anonymously share their feelings and help each other in a safe, moderated digital environment. Peer support has been shown to improve quality of life, wellbeing, self-esteem and social functioning, as well as reductions in hospital admission rates and use of hospital emergency services.]

State of Care

CQC annual assessment of health and social care

State of Care 2019/20.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.
[CQC annual assessment of health care and social care in England. The report looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve. It describes the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, including the unequal impact, DOLS and innovation.]

Mental Health

Current Awareness

Children and young people’s mental health review: findings from a questionnaire to health and wellbeing boards on local actions QCQ – October 2020

(This report contains an update on work carried out in 2018 looking at the quality of mental health services for children and young people, as well as the access to these services. It sets out the findings of a 2019 independent follow-up self-assessment questionnaire, to find out the extent to which health and wellbeing board areas in England had progressed with implementing the local recommendations made.)

NHS strengthens mental health support for staff NHS England -October 2020

(NHS staff will get rapid access to expanded mental health services that are being rolled out across the country as part of efforts to deal with the second wave of coronavirus. NHS England and NHS Improvement will invest an extra £15 million to strengthen mental health support for nurses, paramedics, therapists, pharmacists, and support staff.)

NHS encourages children and young people to seek help as new data shows rise in mental health problems NHS England – October 2020

(England’s top children and young people’s mental health doctor is encouraging youngsters to seek help if they need it, as NHS Digital’s new survey shows there has been a rise in mental health problems in children and young people during the pandemic.)

The impact of Covid-19 to date on older people’s mental and physical health Age UK- October 2020

(This research finds that some older people are coping with the pandemic, but a sizeable minority are finding life incredibly tough. Those who are not very well and have long term health conditions were particularly likely to report that this is an extremely challenging time for them.The research was made up of a survey of older people, their friends, families, and loved ones (promoted across the Age UK social media channels for two weeks in August 2020 and completed by 569 people) and representative online polling of 1,364 people over the age of 60, conducted by Kantar Polling in September 2020.)

Pushed from pillar to post: improving the availability and quality of support after self-harm in England.
Samaritans; 2020.

[This report finds that there is no consistently effective support available to people who self-harm. The research identified four key support needs for people who self-harm, which are seen as essential to providing effective care: distraction from immediate self-harm urges; emotional relief in times of stress; developing alternative coping strategies; and addressing the underlying reasons for self-harm.]

Commission for Equality in Mental Health: Briefing 3: Inequalities of experience and outcomes.
Centre for Mental Health; 2020.

[This third briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health explores why communities with higher rates of mental ill health often get the least effective support. This is most dramatically evident for people from Black communities in the UK, who experience higher levels of coercion and poorer long-term outcomes. This briefing explores why these inequalities persist, and looks at what can be done to bring about more equal outcomes and experiences from mental health support.]

Mental health rehabilitation inpatient services – 2019 update.
Care Quality Commission (CQC); 2020.

[Based on the results of a request to providers to review progress, the CQC has made recommendations to improve care for people in mental health rehabilitation inpatient services, in line with the recent NICE guidance for the rehabilitation of adults with complex psychosis.]

Advancing mental health equalities strategy NHS England – September 2020

(This strategy summarises the core actions all mental health services need to take to better address inequalities in access, experience and outcomes across the sector. It is also an important element of the overall NHS plans to accelerate action to address health inequalities in the next stage of responding to Covid-19.)

CQC Report

Using machine learning in diagnostic services: a report with recommendations from CQC’s regulatory sandbox

This sandbox round focused on the use of machine learning applications for diagnostic purposes in healthcare services. The findings were used to identify and consider where the CQC needs to update their current regulatory methods, and the work required to get this right in order to regulate these services better. A regulatory sandbox is a way of testing how best to regulate new types of services by working collaboratively to find out about them.

Read the report here