A plan for digital health and social care

Department of Health and Social Care

Source: The King’s Fund

This plan for digital health and social care sets out a vision for a digitally enabled health and social care system and how it can be achieved. It collates existing digital strategies, plans and guidance into one single action plan. It is aimed at health and social care leaders across the system, and industry partners to help them plan for the future. The document aims to outline clear priorities for digital transformation, and begins to set out the support that will be available to local systems to enable the changes that are needed.

Digital Transformation and Covid 19 – Online Event

Implementing quality standards and solutions

The Kings Fund are hosting a free online event next week, Tuesday 15th September 10-11am and will discuss the changes in service and delivery of healthcare over the past few months.

The event will include:

  • what an inclusive, person-centred digital revolution would look like for the NHS and social care
  • the standards from before the pandemic and what the gains from this rapid transformation should consolidate
  • what this transformation will mean for people and staff on the ground

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