Public Health

Current Awareness

Staying mentally well: winter plan 2020 to 2021 23rd November 2020

(This plan sets out the support that will be in place in the immediate term to help support individuals to stay well during the second wave of Covid-19 and the winter months ahead.)

Learning from local authorities with downward trends in childhood obesity Public Health England

(This report, a set of practice examples researched by University College London and an executive summary by Public Health England, identifies common approaches being implemented by local authorities that had a small but significant 10-year downward trend in childhood obesity. The findings show the value of engagement with and integration of the National Child Measurement Programme and the importance of addressing health inequalities, with 76 per cent of local authorities having a focus on deprivation.) To view the summary click here.

How are the lives of families with young children changing? The changing face of early childhood in the UK Nuffield Foundation

(This evidence review reveals the extent of changes to family life in the UK over the past 20 years and highlights how these changes are experienced unequally across the population. The report argues that, without understanding family life today, the policies and initiatives that seek to address other key areas of society – education, the economy, physical health and mental health – will falter.)

National Child Measurement Programme: childhood obesity.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Research by University College London shares learning from local authorities that have a downward trend in childhood obesity, including practice examples.)

COVID-19: suggested principles of safer singing.
Public Health England (PHE); 2020.

(Outlining the available evidence on virus transmission associated with singing and suggested actions to reduce the risk of transmission while singing.)

The state of ageing in 2020.
Centre for Ageing Better; 2020.

(This online, interactive report captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn’t taken. It warns that the Covid-19 pandemic risks setting people in mid-life on a path to poverty and ill health in old age.)


Supporting mental health in the UK

How has Covid-19 and the associated lockdown measures affected mental health and wellbeing in the UK?

This briefing provides insights into how mental health conditions have changed and which risk factors need to be recognised when supporting people’s mental health.

To find out more click here.

Covid 19

Updated guidance

Source- King’s Fund

COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable – GOV.UK

(Information for shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from COVID-19.)

COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing – GOV.UK

(Advice and information on how to look after your mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes – GOV.UK

(How to protect care home residents and staff during the coronavirus outbreak.)

Supported living services during coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK

(Guidance for providers of supported living settings.)