Library Books

How we manage our withdrawn library stock

We have been busy managing our book stock in the library over the last few months to keep our collections up to date and make way for new books coming in.

Our Library Assistant, Sue Clarke, has withdrawn over 400 books and these have been donated to Better World Books where they will hopefully find a new audience! Better World Books is a socially responsible book store and back in April they celebrated having sold a million books, keeping books out of landfill and readers supplied with new material.

Some of the books we have withdrawn are available to buy or swap from the trolley in the library. Please feel free to swap a good quality pre-loved book with one from the trolley or re-home one for a small donation. All donations will go to MacMillan Cancer Support.

We are constantly adding to our catalogue with new and donated books. There is a selection of new titles for this summer currently on display in the library, details are in the library catalogue here.

If you would like us to post one of these books out to you please email or use the self-issue machine in the library when taking books from the display or the library shelves.

Black History Month

New book additions

To celebrate Black History Month, taking place through October, we have added new books to our collection. A variety of fiction, autobiographies, poetry and historical stories for all tastes of genres. Take a look at our online catalogue (what’s new section) or view our collection at the Gosall Library- The Lantern Centre to issue your books today. Remember, we can send books out to you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the library team by emailing

Our new Black History Month collection