Putting people first

Supporting NHS staff in the aftermath of Covid-19

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

Caring for patients and service users during the Covid-19 pandemic has taken an enormous toll on NHS and social care staff. This report, part of the NHS Reset campaign, considers key factors needed for the NHS to provide the most effective environment to retain – and sustain – staff over the weeks and months ahead.

The NHS Confederation report sets out a series of actions needed to protect staff health and wellbeing in the recovery phase of the pandemic, splitting the recovery into 5 aspects:

  • Rest and recovery
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Recognition and reward
  • Improving staff experience
  • Tackling vacancies

To find out more click here.

Creating the workforce of the future

A new collaborative approach for the NHS and colleges in England

This report follows a November 2019 roundtable held by the NHS Confederation and the Independent Commission on the College of the Future. It focused on the relationship between colleges and the NHS through the lens of integrated care systems. The report argues that by better embedding colleges into core NHS workforce development, and better using local recruitment and training power, a sustainable, agile and innovative future health and care workforce can be assured.

For more information click here.

NHS Reset

A campaign to shape what the health and care system could look life post COVID

Mental health services have faced unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. They quickly and effectively moved to different ways of working to protect service users and staff. As we move to the next phase of the pandemic, we expect demand for mental health support to increase and to remain high for some time. This will have serious implications on resourcing and staff wellbeing.

This report from the NHS Reset campaign considers what mental health services need to prepare for, for the expected surge in demand. It also highlights how the health and care system can ‘reset’ the way care and support are planned and delivered in aftermath of COVID-19.

To find out more about the campaign click here.