Health Inequalities

Tackling social inequalities to reduce mental health problems

This report from the Mental Health Foundation emphasises that people who are disadvantaged are at a greater risk of developing a mental health problem. If social inequalities are addressed, it could improve individual and collective wellbeing.

Read the report here

Health matters: reducing health inequalities in mental illness

Public Health England, January 2019
This edition of Health matters brings together in one place the most informative data and the best evidence of what works in removing health inequalities experienced by people living with mental illness. It focuses on some of the actions that local areas can take to reduce these health inequalities, so that people with mental illness can achieve the same health outcomes and life expectancy as the rest of the population.
Click here to view the full report.

A fair, supportive society: summary report

University College London Institute of Health Equity, November 2018
NHS England commissioned report that highlights that some of the most vulnerable people in society – those with learning disabilities – will die 15-20 years sooner on average than the general population. Much of the government action needed to improve life expectancy for people with disabilities is likely to reduce health inequalities for everyone. The report recommends that action should focus on the ‘social determinants of health’, particularly addressing poverty, poor housing, discrimination and bullying.
Click here to view the full report.