Lunch and Learn – Reminder

A session around mental health for new parents

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Thursday 17th March between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will feature Mark Williams, fatherhood and mental health campaigner and author, talking about mental health for new parents, with a particular focus on men.

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Lunch and Learn

A session around patient stories

Thank you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session on Wednesday. Our guest speaker, Lesley Whittaker, Enhancing Experience Matron from the Experience and Engagement Team, led a very interesting and engaging session about creating and sharing patient stories.

Unfortunately we had some technical issues with the recording of the session, however we hope to share this with you soon.

In the meantime we would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Public Health

Current awareness updates

A retrospective investigation of the prodromal stages of eating disorders and use of health services in young patients the year prior to the diagnosis. [Abstract]
Gómez Del Barrio A. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2022;16(2):162-167.
[CONCLUSIONS: The majority of reasons for consultation were related to symptoms that could be prodromal symptoms, but the patients were not diagnosed with an eating disorder. These findings highlight the importance of professionals understanding how to identify the warning signs of an eating disorder, so they can refer patients to a specialized unit to establish an early treatment.]

State of the nation 2021: children and young people’s wellbeing.
Department for Education (DfE); 2022.
[This report collates and presents new analysis of published evidence on the wellbeing of children and young people over the period of August 2020 to July 2021, including a wider set of indicators on their: mental and physical health; education and skills; relationships; activities and time use; views on the self, society, and future; an analysis of Covid-19 and the psychological health of young adults; and an analysis of individual predictors of school attendance in 2020 to 2021.]

Subnational indicators explorer.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2022.
[A core set of indicators which align with some of the metrics selected to measure the progress of levelling-up, where data is available. Indicators are grouped in three broad categories: boosting living standards, spreading opportunity and improving public services, and restoring local pride. Measures include healthy life expectancy, smokers, overweight, anxiety, happiness, internet capability. Searchable by UK local authority.]

Lunch and Learn – Reminder

A session around patient stories

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Wednesday 16th February between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will feature Lesley Whittaker, Enhancing Experience Matron from the Experience and Engagement Team, talking about creating patient stories, the process, and sharing stories from LSCFT patients..

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Lunch and Learn

A session around Health and Wellbeing

Thank you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session yesterday. Our guest speaker, Jo Smith, Health and Wellbeing Lead, gave a very interesting presentation about physical and mental wellbeing and support that is available to help us keep well.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access) or view the presentation slides here.

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Lunch and Learn – Reminder

A session around fatigue

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Monday 13th December between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will feature Joanne McLoughin, Professional OT Lead, talking about fatigue.

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Lunch and Learn

A session around the Trust strategy

Thank-you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session yesterday. Our guest speaker, Paul Bibby, Head of Strategy and Business Planning, gave a very interesting presentation about the Trust strategy, featuring a short video summarising the key information.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access).

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

Lunch and Learn – Reminder

A session around the Trust Strategy

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Thursday 2nd December between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will include a short video presentation and will cover:

  • The Trust Strategy
  • Visions, values and strategic priorities
  • An opportunity to ask the Strategy and Business Development Team questions and let the team know your thoughts on how the strategy can be delivered in your area of work

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Public Health

Current awareness updates

Violence Prevention Information System (Violence Info).
World Health Organization (WHO); 2021.
[Developed in collaboration with the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Public Health Wales and the World Health Organisation, Violence Info is an online interactive collection of scientific information about the prevalence, consequences, risk factors and preventability of all forms of interpersonal violence. It covers homicide, child maltreatment, youth violence, intimate partner violence, elder abuse and sexual violence.]

Two new tobacco cessation medicines added to the WHO essential medicines list.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2021.
[On 1 October 2021, the WHO announced the updated the Model List where two new medicines have been added, indicating a powerful shift in the fight against the tobacco epidemic. Bupropion and varenicline are medicines which work in a different way from nicotine replacement. The new medicines reduce cravings for nicotine without supplying a nicotine substitute, thereby supporting people in quitting tobacco use and reducing nicotine dependence.]

Healthy weight coach elearning programme: for primary care networks, healthcare practices and pharmacies.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID); 2021.
[This reference guide is for primary care networks, healthcare practices and pharmacies interested in training staff, and staff interested in undertaking training, to become a healthy weight coach.]

Blood pressure lowering and risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes: an individual participant data meta-analysis.
The Lancet; 2021.
[Blood pressure lowering is an effective strategy for the prevention of new-onset type 2 diabetes. Established pharmacological interventions, however, have qualitatively and quantitively different effects on diabetes. This evidence supports the indication for selected classes of antihypertensive drugs for the prevention of diabetes, which could further refine the selection of drug choice according to an individual’s clinical risk of diabetes.]

Caring for older patients with complex needs: How does England compare with 11 OECD countries?
The Health Foundation; 2021.
[The analysis shows that looking across the system is essential to understand the true resource use of patients with complex needs, if policymakers are to identify areas for improvement in care. The comparatively high mortality rates for people admitted for hip fracture and for people with heart failure and diabetes in England are concerning and require scrutiny by policymakers, commissioners and providers…]