Public Health

Current awareness updates

A retrospective investigation of the prodromal stages of eating disorders and use of health services in young patients the year prior to the diagnosis. [Abstract]
Gómez Del Barrio A. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2022;16(2):162-167.
[CONCLUSIONS: The majority of reasons for consultation were related to symptoms that could be prodromal symptoms, but the patients were not diagnosed with an eating disorder. These findings highlight the importance of professionals understanding how to identify the warning signs of an eating disorder, so they can refer patients to a specialized unit to establish an early treatment.]

State of the nation 2021: children and young people’s wellbeing.
Department for Education (DfE); 2022.
[This report collates and presents new analysis of published evidence on the wellbeing of children and young people over the period of August 2020 to July 2021, including a wider set of indicators on their: mental and physical health; education and skills; relationships; activities and time use; views on the self, society, and future; an analysis of Covid-19 and the psychological health of young adults; and an analysis of individual predictors of school attendance in 2020 to 2021.]

Subnational indicators explorer.
Office for National Statistics (ONS); 2022.
[A core set of indicators which align with some of the metrics selected to measure the progress of levelling-up, where data is available. Indicators are grouped in three broad categories: boosting living standards, spreading opportunity and improving public services, and restoring local pride. Measures include healthy life expectancy, smokers, overweight, anxiety, happiness, internet capability. Searchable by UK local authority.]

NHS England

People plan for 2020-2021

The plan sets out what the NHS people can expect from their leaders and each other. It outlines practical actions for employers and systems and includes specific commitments about:

  • Looking after our people – with quality health and wellbeing support for everyone
  • Belonging in the NHS – with a particular focus on tackling the discrimination that some staff face
  • New ways of working and delivering care – making effective use of the full range of our people’s skills and experience
  • Growing for the future – how we recruit and keep our people, and welcome back colleagues who want to return

To find out more or join the conversation click here.

Public Health England

Map roles using the Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework

The Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework describes the functions and activities carried out by people working to protect and promote the public’s health across the UK. It can be used to: help individuals to recognise their capabilities in relation to public health activity, enabling them to manage their development and career planning; and support career conversations between individual workers and their peers, supervisors, mentors or managers, to support career planning and progression.

Read the guidance here