NHE Virtual Festival

NHS Net Zero: How are you contributing to help reach a net-zero NHS?

NHS England and the NHS Improvement Public Board, have reaffirmed their support for delivering the world’s first net zero national health service.

With a number of cost-effective solutions focused on anaesthetic gases, virtual appointments, and energy efficiency measures, the NHS has already made significant progress in decreasing emissions.

Join in on the 25th August as this event brings together health sector professionals for a day of innovation, education and collaboration around achieving a net-zero NHS.

If you haven’t already registered for this virtual event you can sign up here.

NHE Virtual Festival

Net Zero NHS: Leaders Debate: Travel & Transport

Patients, visitors, workers, and suppliers to the NHS account for roughly 3.5% of all road travel in England, accounting for nearly 14% of the system’s total emissions. Some of the broad interventions considered to reduce this, range from transitioning to low-emission vehicles, to reducing unnecessary journeys and enabling healthier, active forms of travel such as cycling and walking. 

On 25 August NHE are bringing industry leaders together to share knowledge and insight on how we can achieve a net-zero NHS.

Register to join here.