Nuffield Trust Report

Attracting, supporting and retaining a diverse NHS workforce

This report, commissioned by NHS Employers, examines the representation of under-served groups and provide a set of recommendations for change as the NHS strives to become an exemplar of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Lunch and Learn

A session around the BAME community

Thank-you to everyone who attended our lunch and learn session yesterday. Our guest speaker, Candace Bedu-Mensah, Acting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Lead and co-chair of the Race Equality Network, gave a very informative presentation on equality, diversity and inclusion, including the BAME community and upcoming events for Black History Month.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access).

We would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete: