Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps.
HSR UK; 2022.

(In autumn 2021 HSR UK, the Nuffield Trust, The King’s Fund, The Health Foundation and PPI representatives from The Health Foundation Inclusion Panel co-developed a series of events to address improving inclusion in health and care research. This report shares insights from the expert speakers who participated in events, as well as reflections and learnings from running the series.)

Key findings from Healthwatch England’s national dental polling in 2022.
Healthwatch; 2022.

(A representative poll of 2,026 adults based in England on attitudes to NHS dentistry shows that half of the adults in England find dental charges unfair amid escalating living costs. More than two in five respondents (40 per cent) said they found it difficult to book an NHS dental appointment, while one in five (20 per cent) couldn’t access all the treatments they needed. Healthwatch England has warned decision-makers that NHS dentistry is in desperate need of reform.)

Smoking and social housing: Supporting residents, addressing inequalities.
Housing Learning and Improvement Network (HLIN); 2022.

(This report is a collaboration between Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN). It outlines the case for reducing rates of smoking in the social housing sector as part of social landlords’ health and wellbeing activities and the action needed to achieve this.)

A picture of health? Bridging the gap between physical and mental healthcare in adult mental health inpatient settings.
National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD); 2022.

(This report suggests that a physical health care plan should be developed when patients are admitted to a mental health inpatient setting. Other key messages aimed at improving care include calls to: formalise clinical networks/pathways between mental health and physical health care; involve patients and their carers in their physical health care, and include mental health and physical health conditions on electronic patient records.)

The Impact of Dementia on Women.
Alzheimer’s Research UK; 2022.

(This report calls for action to tackle dementia’s disproportionate impact on women and to ensure women can make a full contribution to research, both as participants and as researchers.)

Nuffield Trust Report

Attracting, supporting and retaining a diverse NHS workforce

This report, commissioned by NHS Employers, examines the representation of under-served groups and provide a set of recommendations for change as the NHS strives to become an exemplar of equality, diversity and inclusion.


The NHS Staff Survey; working through Covid and beyond

Helen McKenna sits down with Suzie Bailey, Director of Leadership and Organisational Development at The King’s Fund and Professor Michael West to explore the results of the 2020 NHS Staff Survey and discuss how the NHS can create an inclusive, compassionate, and supportive working environment for staff.

To listen to the podcast, click on the image below.


Inclusion health self-assessment tool for primary care networks.

Friends, Families and Travellers; 2021

This online tool aims to help primary care networks (PCNs) to assess their engagement with inclusion health groups. These are the groups identified as experiencing the worst health inequalities in the UK. The tool will provide a unique and tailored guide that will help PCNs to embed action on tackling health inequalities into their everyday activities