2020 reviewed

The Health Policy Year in 12 Charts

Source: King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

The wheels of health policy turn quickly. So, as 2021 begins Siva Anandaciva looks back at the key health policy moments of 2020 to consider the challenges and opportunities the year brought. The blog sums up the year of changes and influences of Covid 19 throughout the year.

To read the review click here.

Commonwealth Fund

Mental health conditions and substance use: comparing US needs and treatment capacity with those in other high-income countries

This data brief examines the mental health burden in the United States compared with 10 other high-income countries (including the United Kingdom) that participate in the Commonwealth Fund’s annual international health policy survey. It also looks at the relationship between mental health burden and social determinants of health, differences in seeking care, access and affordability of care, mental health and substance use disorder outcomes, and health system capacity

Read the data brief here