Economic Evaluations

A resource for Occupational Therapy

This report outlines the economic evaluation examining the impact of occupational therapy in relation to financial costs of providing a service. The analysis compares the costs of occupational therapy with an alternate (control) intervention to determine whether occupational therapy is more beneficial that the other intervention, what is the difference in cost and how beneficial is occupational therapy in relation to costs, when compared with the control intervention.

An economic evaluation examines the impact of occupational therapy in relation to financial costs of providing a service. The analysis compares the costs of occupational therapy with an alternate (control) intervention to determine:
Is occupational therapy more beneficial than the control intervention to attain desired outcomes, such as increased independence or improved quality of life?
What is the difference in cost between occupational therapy and the control
How beneficial is occupational therapy in relation to costs, when compared with the control intervention?

World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Economic Evaluations A
resource for occupational therapy. (2021). Geneva, Switzerland

As resources available to provide occupational therapy can be limited, economic evaluations are helpful to make choices regarding how financial investments are made.

Mental Health

Supporting the mental health of children and young people

Keep up to date with current awareness:

Children and young people’s mental health – policy, CAMHS services, funding and education.
House of Commons Library; 2020.
(Research briefing outlining children and young people’s mental health policy.)

Child and adolescent mental health during COVID-19
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST); 2020.
(Charities and academics have expressed concerns that children’s mental health is disproportionately affected by the intervention measures used during the pandemic. Child and adolescent mental health may be compromised by factors such as strained family relationships, academic stress and reduced social contact with friends. Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) have been reduced during the pandemic. They are likely to be under strain to meet increased demand.)

Interventions to support children and young people who self-harm
Carried out by Frankie Marcelline from Brighton and Sussex on 3/11/2020
(This evidence search report looks for publications on interventions to support children and young people (age 4-18) who self-harm, including school-based preventative approaches.)

NHS Clinical Commissioners

Advancing population health management

Population health management (PHM) – the use of data to identify specific groups within a population that may have similar characteristics and similar needs, and develop targeted interventions to meet those needs – was a notable theme of the NHS long-term plan. But it’s something that clinical commissioners have been doing for some time. This report brings together PHM stories from 10 different areas of England – led by clinical commissioners – to demonstrate the progress that has already been made in advancing this approach to health care, and what more will need to be done.

The report can be read here