The Lancashire Health Hub

Helping patients find trusted information

We have been lucky enough to work with some local NHS Foundation Trusts and the public libraries to develop an online website focusing on good quality health care information.

The Lancashire Health Hub is designed to signpost patients to trusted and reliable medical support- explaining who and what services are available to them, links to local services and trusted resources including apps and guides.

You can also download an easy read version of the information to share alongside the virtual content.

Please take a look and share with friends, families and colleagues.

Introducing integrated care systems

Joining up local services to improve health outcomes

Source: The King’s Fund

This report examines the setup of integrated care systems (ICSs) by the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, and their partners and the risks they must manage. The report is not an assessment of whether the programme has secured good value for money to date because ICSs have only recently taken statutory form. Instead, it is an assessment of where they are starting from and the challenges and opportunities ahead. It makes recommendations intended to help manage those risks and realise those opportunities.

Emotional Support

Online resources – Hub of Hope

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.

Initially a simple spreadsheet of local services populated at the kitchen table of Chasing the Stigma founder and CEO, Jake Mills, the Hub of Hope was born out of Jake’s own lived experience of extreme mental and emotional distress. He witnessed first-hand the difficulties in finding relevant, accessible and nearby support when it was most needed and decided to take action.

To date, the Hub of Hope has directed hundreds of thousands of people to life-changing and even life-saving support and it is now the UK’s go-to mental health support signposting tool, with thousands of local, regional and national support groups and services listed.

Read more and find local services here.