Healthcare Inequalities: Access to NHS prescribing and exemption schemes in England

This report from NHDS England looks at inequalities in prescribing and medication use in the areas of overall prescribing, COPD, hypertension and severe mental illness.

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Go to chapter seven for the focus on prescribing for severe mental illness.

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Resource of the Month

Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

The essential reference for the prescribing of drugs for patients with mental health disorders. 

The e-book (also available to download as a PDF) provides up-to-date information, expert guidance on prescribing practice in mental health, including drug choice, treatment of adverse effects and how to augment or switch medications. The text covers a wide range of topics including pharmacological interventions for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, and many other less common conditions.

Access the guidelines here and log in using your OpenAthens login details. For help with this please email the library team

Please feel free to download our resource of the month poster and share with your team or within your department.