Electronic prescriptions have become the norm, new figures confirm

Electronic prescriptions have become the default method for prescribing and dispensing in primary care in England, new figures from NHS Digital have confirmed.

The number of items issued electronically to community pharmacies has almost doubled in the past five years – from 532 million in 2016-17 to 996 million in 2021-22, NHS Digital said. In the latest year, 95% of items were prescribed and dispensed via the electronic prescription service (EPS).

Healthcare Inequalities: Access to NHS prescribing and exemption schemes in England

This report from NHDS England looks at inequalities in prescribing and medication use in the areas of overall prescribing, COPD, hypertension and severe mental illness.

healthcareInequalitiesScrollytellR (shinyapps.io)

Go to chapter seven for the focus on prescribing for severe mental illness.

healthcareInequalitiesScrollytellR (shinyapps.io)

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Improving junior doctor medicine prescribing and patient safety: an intervention using personalised, structured, video-enhanced feedback and deliberate practice

This research investigates the effectiveness of an intervention for improving the prescribing and patient safety behaviour of Foundation Year doctors.

For more details click here

To request the full text of this article email us at academic.library@lancashirecare.nhs.uk

Royal College of Nursing

A competency framework for rheumatology nurses

This publication provides a competency and role development framework for rheumatology practitioners in clinical practice (most commonly called rheumatology nurse specialists). The role of the rheumatology nurse specialist is complex and may include roles in paediatric nursing, research, advanced level skills in clinical assessment, and prescribing and providing intra-articular injections, among others.

Read the report here