Royal College of Nursing

Independent Review

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

This report of an independent review finds that the government’s Covid-19 infection control guidelines, which are used across the UK, are in need of updating. It calls for all NHS staff to be given a higher level of personal protective equipment as a precautionary measure pending the outcome of a review. 

For more information click here.

Guidance publications from the Royal Colleges and Health Professionals

August Bulletin

This month includes the new edition of National Institute Health Research (NIHR), along with a range of materials, including research from the Covid-19 pandemic.

To read the latest bulletin click here.

Royal College of Nursing Survey

Nurses experiences of working through the pandemic

The survey was completed by over 42,000 colleagues who explained their experiences of working on the front line and the overall impact the pandemic had on their nursing lives. The outcomes show that the majority are still passionate about the nursing profession, however concerns were raised about personal and staff well-being.

The survey revealed:

  • 38% said staffing levels got worse during the pandemic
  • 62% said the needs of people they care for became more complex
  • 76% reported an increase in their own stress levels
  • 33% said they worked longer hours, but only 40% of those reported getting paid for them
  • 34% said they worked at a higher level of responsibility, with 90% of those saying they received no extra pay. 

To read the full report click here.

Royal College of Nursing

Fertility care and emotional wellbeing

This guidance has been developed as a resource for all health care professionals in all areas of fertility care and acknowledges the differences between emotional support and wellbeing, implications counselling and therapeutic counselling.

Read the guidance here

Royal College of Nursing

A competency framework for rheumatology nurses

This publication provides a competency and role development framework for rheumatology practitioners in clinical practice (most commonly called rheumatology nurse specialists). The role of the rheumatology nurse specialist is complex and may include roles in paediatric nursing, research, advanced level skills in clinical assessment, and prescribing and providing intra-articular injections, among others.

Read the report here

Royal College Of Nursing

Futureproofing community children’s nursing

This guidance is for health care professionals, service providers and those involved with planning and commissioning services. It sets out the RCN’s perspective on contemporary and future children and young people’s nursing services in the home and community setting. It also underlines the increasingly crucial role played by community children’s nurses as they provide integrated care closer to home. It explores the legislative and policy agenda, defines the role of the children’s community nurse (CCN), sets out the core principles of providing care, considers variations in how the needs of families are assessed across the four countries of the UK and outlines examples of current models of care and service delivery.

Read the guidance here

Royal College of Nursing

Gender and nursing as a profession: valuing nurses and paying them their worth

This report explores and critiques the gendered construction of value within the nursing profession and evaluates how value is attributed to nursing, the value placed on individuals and the status of the profession.

Read the report here