Emotional Support

Online Resources – Head Talks

Head Talks videos aim to provide us with knowledge, inspiration and a sense of community so we can create our own toolbox to fix and maintain mental health.

This episode features Richie Norton, who discovered yoga when struggling to recover from injuries from his rugby career. The different forms of movement, plus the connection to his breath, helped him deal with what was going on in his mind at the same time. The power of breathwork had a real impact on Richie’s wellbeing, and in this video Richie shares an introductory practice.

BMJ Best Practice Procedural Videos

Watch procedural videos on essential techniques

Refresh your memory of over 25 common clinical procedures. BMJ Best Practice procedural videos give you a quick reminder on the equipment, contraindications, indications, complications and aftercare needed. Watch from your desktop or on the BMJ Best Practice app.

Watch the videos here. You will need to log in with your OpenAthens username and password.