Covid 19 and female health and care

Workforce Survey Update

Source: The King’s Fund Health and Policy Alert

This report presents the findings of a survey commissioned by the network to find out how the impact of the pandemic on women working across health and care changed as the crisis progressed. It finds that since summer 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the female workforce has demonstrably worsened and more women are reporting an even greater negative impact on their physical and emotional wellbeing.

For more information click here.

Library Bulletin

Digital Mental Health

The latest edition of the Digital Mental Health bulletin, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust, is now available to view and download.

Please contact the library: for any support accessing of the articles.


The health care of tomorrow? International learning on community, technology, and avoiding digital exclusion

Source: The King’s Fund

Anna Charles talks with Dr Steven Tierney from Southcentral Foundation in Anchorage, Alaska, and Dr Henry Chung from Montefiore in New York, to explore how their health systems have transformed to better support local communities, and how to address digital exclusion in an increasingly digital world.

To listen to the podcast click on the image below.

United Nations Population Fund

The state of the world’s midwifery 2021

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

This report presents findings on the Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health (SRMNAH) workforce from 194 countries and identifies the barriers and challenges to future advancement. It finds that there is a a global shortage of 1.1 million SRMNAH workers, the largest shortage (900,000) being midwives.

Lunch and Learn – May Reminder

Post (long) COVID: a lasting legacy or a passing phase?

This is just a reminder that the next Lunch and Learn session will be held via Teams on Thursday 20th May between 12pm and 1pm.

This session will discuss:

  • An overview of long-COVID
  • Current evidence on what it is, who it affects and how it affects people
  • The implications of long-COVID on health services and wider society

Teams invites have been sent to all our Library registered users. If you would like an invite to be extended to you or your team please email:

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

COVID-19: long-term health effects.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.

(Information and guidance on persistent health problems reported following acute COVID-19 disease. There is accumulating evidence to suggest that cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) who have experienced both mild and severe symptoms can experience long-term health effects. This document provides information on the health problems reported in COVID-19 cases following acute disease, and guidance for healthcare professionals on how to advise recovering COVID-19 patients.)

COVID-19 in schools: study shows drop in infections Public Health England (PHE); 2021

(Round 4 of the Schools Infection Survey (SIS) shows a significant drop in the number of secondary school pupils and staff testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).)

Women’s Health Strategy: Call for Evidence.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); 2021.

(DHSC are seeking your views to help inform the development of the government’s Women’s Health Strategy. The easiest way to participate in the call for evidence as an individual is by completing the public survey. They also welcome written submissions from individuals or organisations who have expertise in women’s health, such as researchers and third-sector organisations. Written submissions can include the contribution of data, research and other reports of relevance to women’s health.)

Teachers’ concerns about pupils’ mental health in a cross-sectional survey of a population sample of British schoolchildren.[Abstract]
Mathews F. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2021;26(2):99-105.

(Understanding how well a teacher concern predicts mental disorder in a child or young person is important for mental health teams who need to respond to referrals. CONCLUSION: While teacher concern does identify those with poorer mental health, it is only moderately predictive of a disorder. When concerned about a child or young person, discussions with parents or others who know them may help teachers identify those who most need support.)

The relationship between alcohol-related hospital admission and specialist alcohol treatment provision across local authorities in England since passage of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
British Journal of Psychiatry 2021;:

(The results suggest that the local authority areas in England most in need of adequately funded specialist alcohol treatment are not receiving targeted increased funding, and that the national rise in alcohol-related hospital admissions may be fuelled by local authority funding cuts to specialist alcohol treatment.)

Please contact: for any support accessing articles.

Assessing England’s response to Covid-19

A framework

Source: The King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

Learning the lessons from Covid-19 would allow England to better prepare for future pandemics, and understand the weaknesses and strengths of the health, care and public health systems. This framework sets out a structure to help untangle the complicated interactions between different elements of the response in England.