Public Health

Current Awareness

Are UK health systems dementia ready?: Comparing dementia policy across the four nations of the UK.
Future Health; 2024.

(A dementia diagnosis remains one of the most feared by the public. The potential arrival of new treatments creates an opportunity to improve patient outcomes. But to do so will require health systems to be dementia ready quickly. Urgent action is now needed to make them so.)
Freely available online

When I’m 64: A strategy to tackle poverty before state pension age: summary report.
Fabian Society; 2024.

(The UK is facing a hidden poverty crisis among 60 to 65-year-olds. Since 2010, no significant measures to ameliorate the impact of the rising pension age have been introduced. This report looks at the roots of the problem and presents a strategy for solving it.)
Freely available online

The future for health after Brexit.
Nuffield Trust; 2024.

(This report tracks issues that are important for the delivery of health and care in the UK to understand how our changing relationship with Europe is changing the picture for the NHS and health more generally, and what the prospects are for the future. This latest report shows that global medicine shortages are being felt particularly acutely in the UK, and the country’s reliance on migration as a source of health and social care staff is intensifying.)
Freely available online

Internet Watch Foundation Annual Report 2023: #BehindTheScreens.
Internet Watch Foundation (IWF); 2024.

(IWF works to end child sexual abuse imagery online. The annual report contains 2023 trends and data, and case studies and provides some analysis on the distribution of child sexual abuse images and videos on the internet. The new data reveals thousands of images and videos of three to six year old children who have been groomed, coerced and tricked into sexually abusive acts, are now being found on the open internet.)

On the path to ending smoking: using new funding.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH); 2024.

(With a major opportunity to reset our local strategies and make rapid progress towards ending smoking for all populations this paper has been developed by ASH in partnership with DsPH and Humber and North Yorkshire’s Centre for Tobacco Control Excellence to support local decision making in spending new funding to address smoking. It has been reviewed and endorsed by the Association of Directors of Public Health.)

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Public Health

Current Awareness

Source: KnowledgeShare

Financial wellbeing: applying All Our Health.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID); 2022.
(Evidence and information for health and care professionals and the wider workforce to promote the benefits of financial wellbeing. The resource illustrates how money can impact on wellbeing and identifies how frontline health and care staff can use their trusted relationships with patients, families and communities to promote the benefits of financial wellbeing. It also recommends important actions that managers and staff holding strategic roles can take.)

Young Black Men and Mental Health Programme.
Islington Council; 2022.
(This pioneering and innovative programme is designed to improve mental health wellbeing, and wellbeing life outcomes for young Black men. The video promotes the Barbers Project, which is part of Islington Council’s larger Young Black Men and mental health programme.)

A Torn Safety Net: How the cost of living crisis threatens its own last line of defence.
Theos; 2022.
(A report on the effect the cost of living crisis has had on social and economic security. This report is the culmination of a year–long project exploring how economic and social insecurity is affecting churches, faith groups and local communities.)

Child and maternal health statistics.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID); 2022.
(Statistics to support improvements in decision making when planning services for pregnant women, children, young people and families. Change made: Added the following publications: ‘Child development outcomes at 2 to 2 and a half years: annual data 2021 to 2022’, ‘Breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks after birth: annual data 2021 to 2022’ and ‘Health visitor service delivery metrics experimental statistics: annual data 2021 to 2022’.)

Why can’t I get care? Older people’s experiences of care and support.
Age UK; 2022.
(This report aims to answer the question as to why 14,000 people per week are having their requests for care turned down by councils, many of which are facing growing demand and static or reducing resources with which to respond. It highlights the number of unpaid carers who provide hours of care for their loved ones, often at the expense of their own health and wellbeing.)

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Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Age-Friendly Health Systems: Guide to Care of Older Adults in Nursing Homes.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); 2022.
(This updated [US] guide helps care teams prepare for, test, and implement age-friendly care practices. Designed to be used with an accompanying workbook for nursing home teams, the guide outlines the 4Ms – What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility – for nursing home care of older adults.)

Cold weather plan for England.
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA); 2022.
(01 November 2022: Updated Cold weather health risks slide set.)

WHO: At least 17 million people in the WHO European Region experienced long COVID in the first two years of the pandemic; millions may have to live with it for years to come.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2022.
(To help address the gaps in our knowledge of long COVID and advocate for people living with the condition, WHO/Europe today announced an official partnership with Long COVID Europe, a network organization that to date comprises 19 patient associations, based in Member States across the European Region.)

Poverty and the health and care system: the role of data and partnership in bringing change .
The King’s Fund; 2022.
(Poverty causes ill health, drives inequality in health outcomes and increases use of health services. This King’s Fund long read considers how successful sharing and acting on data can support health and care systems in mitigating, reducing and preventing poverty’s effects on health.)

Developing learning health systems in the UK: priorities for action.
The Health Foundation; 2022.
(Learning health systems are able to learn from the routine care they deliver and improve it as a result. In this report, we explore in detail what makes a learning health system, and look at how they can be developed. We explore four important areas especially relevant to LHSs: learning from data, harnessing technology, nurturing learning communities and implementing improvements to services.)

Sensory-friendly resource pack: resources to improve the sensory environment for autistic people.
NHS England; 2022.
(During 2021/22 NHS England has funded a variety of projects to support Integrated Care Systems in developing sensory friendly environments for autistic people. This document outlines the projects commissioned and draws them together into a cohesive resource pack for local health systems to use to support their autistic citizens.)

RCP view on the NHS workforce

Short- and medium-term solutions

Source: The King’s Fund

This policy paper outlines how staffing shortages are the biggest barrier to meeting demand for care and delivering health care sustainably in the long term. It describes how a long-term plan for increasing staffing numbers, including expanding medical school places, is needed to put the NHS workforce back on a sustainable footing, restore timely access to care and protect patient safety. But given the urgency of the situation, the RCP has set out a range of short- and medium-term solutions that will make a difference now, from affordable childcare and flexible working to overseas recruitment and a new ‘retire and return’ deal for consultants. 

A community-powered NHS

Making prevention a reality

Source: The King’s Fund

This report finds that by moving towards community-powered health –working collaboratively with communities as equal partners in the design and delivery of health care – can help make prevention a reality, protect the NHS’s future and improve health for all.


Supporting refugee and migrant health care in England

We know people who are refugees, asylum seekers and migrants can arrive at their destination with complex physical and mental health needs. So how does the health and care system respond when they arrive in England? Take a listen to this King’s Fund podcast as they discuss refugee and migrant health care.

Covid 19 and female health and care

Workforce Survey Update

Source: The King’s Fund Health and Policy Alert

This report presents the findings of a survey commissioned by the network to find out how the impact of the pandemic on women working across health and care changed as the crisis progressed. It finds that since summer 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the female workforce has demonstrably worsened and more women are reporting an even greater negative impact on their physical and emotional wellbeing.

For more information click here.


The health care of tomorrow? International learning on community, technology, and avoiding digital exclusion

Source: The King’s Fund

Anna Charles talks with Dr Steven Tierney from Southcentral Foundation in Anchorage, Alaska, and Dr Henry Chung from Montefiore in New York, to explore how their health systems have transformed to better support local communities, and how to address digital exclusion in an increasingly digital world.

To listen to the podcast click on the image below.

The Department of Health and Social Care’s legislative proposals for a Health and Care Bill

Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all

This White Paper sets out legislative proposals for a Health and Care Bill. The proposals are designed to support the health and care system to work together to provide high-quality health and care, so people can live longer, healthier, active and more independent lives.