A community-powered NHS

Making prevention a reality

Source: The King’s Fund

This report finds that by moving towards community-powered health –working collaboratively with communities as equal partners in the design and delivery of health care – can help make prevention a reality, protect the NHS’s future and improve health for all.

Library Bulletin

Community mental health services

The June bulletin for Community mental health services, produced by Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, are now available to view and download.

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletins please contact: academic.library@lscft.nhs.uk

Public Health

Current Awareness Updates

Smaller hospitals are urged to increase collaborative working to meet the needs of an ageing population.
NIHR Evidence; 2022.

[Collaborative working among staff is likely to be the best way to improve performance in smaller hospitals, a new study concluded. It explored the approaches smaller hospitals take to organising emergency care for people admitted to hospital. There were huge variations, but no single way of working (‘model of care’) was more effective than others.]

Eating Disorders.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN); 2022.
[This guideline provides recommendations based on current evidence for best practice in the management of people with eating disorders of all ages and gender groups, in any health or social care setting. Eating disorders covered are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and eating-disordered psychopathology occurring in the context of type 1 diabetes mellitus.]

HPV vaccination brings the WHO European Region closer to a cervical cancer-free future.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2022.
[New data from one of the first countries in the Region to introduce HPV vaccination reveal just how well the vaccines work to prevent invasive cervical cancer. In England researchers found that the HPV immunization programme has almost eliminated cervical cancer in women born since 1 September 1995 (who were vaccinated at age 12−13). Incidence among these women of late-stage (grade 3) CIN that could later develop into cancer has also been significantly reduced.]

Community Network: ‘Hidden waits: The lasting impact of the pandemic on children’s services in the community’.
NHS Providers; 2022.

[The Community Network, which is hosted by the NHS Confederation and NHS Providers, has today published a new briefing which brings together new evidence about backlogs and increasing demand for children and young people’s services. It also demonstrates what community providers are currently doing to meet demand, including how they are innovating, and makes a series of recommendations on the national support needed, both now and in the longer term.]

Covid 19

Current awareness updates

Impact of Covid-19 on new parents: one year on: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report.
Petitions Committee; 2022.
[The government’s response points to the £500 million investment announced in the 2021 Autumn Spending Review for family and early years services. This report concludes that this goes some way to addressing the ‘baby blind spot’ in Covid-19 recovery spending identified in the Committee’s report but the response contains no new commitments in response to the concerns raised and recommendations made in the report.]

Volunteering and helping out in the COVID-19 outbreak.
Centre for Ageing Better; 2022.
[This report, based on research conducted by NatCen Social Research, aims to understand the patterns of formal volunteering and informal support that emerged in, and between, July 2020 and November 2020.]

Community connectedness in the COVID-19 outbreak.
Centre for Ageing Better; 2022.
[This report investigates how people across England related to their neighbourhoods as the COVID-19 pandemic challenged individuals and communities while reducing their access to traditional mechanisms of support.]

Community pharmacies

Supporting the health and well-being of the local population

A NICE quality standard covering how community pharmacies can promote health and well-being. It describes high quality care in areas identified as priorities. To find out more click here.

The flowchart below outlines areas covered and associated recommendations.

Local Government Association Report

Public health transformation seven years on: prevention in neighbourhood, place and system

The LGA’s 2020 public health annual report showcases examples from 10 areas that demonstrate what can be achieved by public health operating across local government and working closely with the NHS and a wide range of local and system partners. The examples are from councils across England, covering both rural and urban environments and with varying degrees of deprivation and affluence.

Finding connection in a disconnected age: Stories of community in a time of change

Cares Family and Nesta, July 2019

Our need for social connection is at the heart of what it is to be human. It is essential to our health and well-being, the vitality of our communities and has inspired many of the most successful innovations of the modern day. With evermore efficient ways to communicate, many of us have experienced a rapid increase in the number and reach of our connections. And yet, despite these growing networks, we find ourselves increasingly disconnected and many more of us are feeling alone. The stories in this collection paint a rich and varied picture of the many faces of loneliness and what it means to feel disconnected from those around us. But the stories also give us much to be hopeful about.

Click here to view the report.