RCP view on the NHS workforce

Short- and medium-term solutions

Source: The King’s Fund

This policy paper outlines how staffing shortages are the biggest barrier to meeting demand for care and delivering health care sustainably in the long term. It describes how a long-term plan for increasing staffing numbers, including expanding medical school places, is needed to put the NHS workforce back on a sustainable footing, restore timely access to care and protect patient safety. But given the urgency of the situation, the RCP has set out a range of short- and medium-term solutions that will make a difference now, from affordable childcare and flexible working to overseas recruitment and a new ‘retire and return’ deal for consultants. 

King’s Fund Podcast

Can the NHS be a truly flexible workplace?

‘How is it possible for a newly qualified nurse to work flexibly? How is it possible for a junior doctor to work flexibly? That was the thinking behind Flex NHS.’ In the latest episode of The King’s Fund podcast, they sit down with Kate Jarman, Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs at Milton Keynes University Hospital and co-founder of Flex NHS to discuss what working flexibly means in practice, communicating during Covid-19 and activism in the health service.

King’s Fund Podcast – a flexible NHS

To listen to the podcast, click the image above.

Flexible working for nurses

Guidance highlighting what nurses look for in a flexible role

This guide is aimed at supporting organisations to increase the uptake of flexible working among nurses. It explains:

  • business cases for improving opportunities for nurses to work flexibly
  • the basic principles
  • what it can look like in practice
  • practical tips
  • examples of how trusts have used flexible working to support successful retention of the nursing workforce

For more information or resources linked to this guide click here.