British Geriatric Society

The geriatric medicine workforce 2022

Source: The King’s Fund

This report examines data collected by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on the consultant and Higher Specialty Trainee geriatric medicine workforce. This data, which was collected between 2019 and 2021 as part of the RCP’s annual workforce census, demonstrates the staffing challenges facing older people’s health care. Despite the growth in medical student places, there are not enough specialist health care professionals being trained and retained to meet the needs of the population as it ages.

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British Geriatrics Society

Implementing ‘Virtual Wards’ for older people with frailty

This report explores how ‘virtual wards’ are funded and implemented as well as the potential benefits, limitations, and scientific evidence to be taken into consideration when providing a safe, effective, and patient-centred alternative to hospital inpatient care for older people.