Library Bulletin

Serious Mental Illness Bulletin

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust the April bulletin for serious mental illness is now available to view and download.

The links to abstracts have been activated in this bulletin and if you click on the title, it will lead you to the abstract.  

Some of the references contained in the bulletin may be an Open Access reference, which will be available for you download and some may be available to download via a LSCFT Athens Account login. Some of the references may be an abstract only, and the full text will have to be requested directly from the library- please contact with your request. .  

Evidence Updates

Keeping up to date with current awareness

Update on COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ Best Practice; 2020.

Cycling to work lowers risk of illness and death compared to driving.
NIHR Evidence; 2020.
[People who cycle to work are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and death than those who drive. This is seen across all occupational groups and suggests that cycling to work could benefit people from all economic backgrounds. If fewer people are able to travel by public transport due to social distancing, measures to make cycling easier and safer could improve the nation’s health.]

Rehabilitation for adults with complex psychosis.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2020.
[This guideline covers mental health rehabilitation for adults with complex psychosis. It aims to ensure people can have rehabilitation when they need it and promotes a positive approach to long-term recovery. It includes recommendations on organising rehabilitation services, assessment and care planning, delivering programmes and interventions, and meeting people’s physical healthcare needs.]

Face-to-face or remote consultations: supporting you to make safe decisions about patient contact.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy; 2020.
[Guidance and advice on implementation from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists.This framework provides you with a pathway to interpret national guidance and adhere to the legal, regulatory and professional requirements that govern safe physiotherapy practice.]

Daily Insight: Inspectors or superspreaders?
Health Services Journal (HSJ); 2020.
[Latest stories and debate in health policy and leadership. The decision not to include CQC inspectors in regular asymptomatic covid testing could turn them into “super-spreaders,” unions have warned. The Infection and Prevention Society, however, has said inspectors are not likely to be put at significant risk.]

Remember to sign up to KnowledgeShare for research personalised to your field of work. Complete the registration form and send it to

New team member

Hello from your new outreach librarian

Hello everyone,

I wanted to formally introduce myself. My name is Katie Roper and I am the newly appointed outreach librarian across Lancashire and South Cumbria. I have a background in education, and it was during my time teaching in Birmingham Children’s Hospital, I realised I wanted to work for the NHS rather than alongside it.. now here we are.

My role involves supporting all staff, students, and service users to effectively and efficiently use electronic resources to make decisions and judgements based on evidence based practice.

Struggling to find evidence in your field of work? Short of time to find your own evidence?  Contact the library service to aid you with a literature search. Training can also be provided to support your own professional development.

Need help keeping up to date with current information? Contact us for KnowledgeShare request forms or speak to a member of our team where alerts can be personalised to suit your needs.

Do you know where to find the latest clinical information?  Contact the library team to ensure you have access to a wide range of resources- including; Athens, BMJ, Anatomy. TV,  individual journals and e-books accessible at home and work.

We are here to support you throughout. Feel free to pop into the library for free tea and coffee, computer access, hotdesking spaces and relaxed meeting areas.

Looking forward to working collaboratively with you all. Please send any completed forms to: Remember to subsribe to this blog, using the link on the top right of the page for daily updates, bulletins and current awareness updates. Alternatively, feel free to contact me with any questions, queries or support needs;

Katie Roper