Health Inequalities

Equity and endurance: how can we tackle health inequalities this time?

Source: The King’s Fund

The case for tackling health inequalities is clear and overwhelming, and yet attempts to do so in recent decades have had mixed success. Crucially, none of these efforts have translated into the enduring focus on addressing health inequalities that is needed.

Read more here.

Lunch and Learn

A session around mental health for new parents

Thank you to everyone who attended our Lunch and Learn session yesterday. Our guest speaker, Mark Williams, fatherhood and mental health campaigner and author, shared his experiences of fatherhood and mental health and talked passionately about his work.

If you missed the session, you can watch the session recording here (please use your LSCFT email to access).

A copy of each of Mark’s books Daddy Blues and Fathers and Perinatal Mental Health will soon be added to library stock, please email us if you would like to borrow these or any of our books on perinatal mental health.

A copy of Mark’s report, Fathers Reaching Out -Why Dads Matter: 10 years of findings on the importance of fathers’ mental health in the perinatal period, can be downloaded here.

In the meantime we would really appreciate any feedback on these sessions. If you have a few spare minutes we kindly ask you to complete our survey- which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete:


What women want: addressing women’s health inequalities

Source: The King’s Fund

Host Helen McKenna speaks with Professor Dame Lesley Regan and Dr Janine Austin Clayton about women’s health journeys from start to finish. They explore why women can struggle to get medical professionals to listen to them and the impact this has on diagnosis and treatment, as well as the mental and physical effects on women themselves.

Listen to the podcast here

Public Health

Current awareness updates

A Women’s Health Agenda: Redressing the Balance.
Public Policy Projects; 2022.
[This report highlights the importance of embracing a culture of change in the design and delivery of women’s health to achieve national systems and local services fit to meet the expectations and needs of the 21st century woman. It sets out recommendations, founded on common sense and rooted in the belief that women should be in control of their own bodies.]

Making self-harm everyone’s business: a consideration of the new national guideline.
Clough I. British Journal of Healthcare Management 2022;28(3):58-60.
[This article discusses the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s consultation and draft guideline on self-harm management, placing the recommendations in the context of ongoing pressures on NHS services and the UK’s growing mental health crisis.]

Guidelines for using online therapeutic interventions.
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR); 2022.
[A team of researchers at the University of Sussex have launched a set of guidelines to help practitioners provide better support to parents and children accessing mental health services online. The guidelines include: Advice on planning, ground rules and strategies for practitioners; Points on support, information governance & policy guidance; What clients need to consider when accessing online services; Guidance on working online with groups of people.]

Covid 19

Current awareness updates

Impact of Covid-19 on new parents: one year on: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report.
Petitions Committee; 2022.
[The government’s response points to the £500 million investment announced in the 2021 Autumn Spending Review for family and early years services. This report concludes that this goes some way to addressing the ‘baby blind spot’ in Covid-19 recovery spending identified in the Committee’s report but the response contains no new commitments in response to the concerns raised and recommendations made in the report.]

Volunteering and helping out in the COVID-19 outbreak.
Centre for Ageing Better; 2022.
[This report, based on research conducted by NatCen Social Research, aims to understand the patterns of formal volunteering and informal support that emerged in, and between, July 2020 and November 2020.]

Community connectedness in the COVID-19 outbreak.
Centre for Ageing Better; 2022.
[This report investigates how people across England related to their neighbourhoods as the COVID-19 pandemic challenged individuals and communities while reducing their access to traditional mechanisms of support.]

Women’s Prize for Fiction 2022

Longlist announced

The Women’s Prize for Fiction is the UK’s most prestigious annual book award celebrating and honouring fiction by women. The Prize celebrates excellence, originality and accessibility in writing by women in English from throughout the world. The 2022 longlist was announced recently, with the winner being announced on the 15th June.

Source: Women’s Prize for Fiction

Take a look at the list here to find out more about individual books and how you can get involved.

Library Bulletins

Dementia and Community Health

The current bulletins for Dementia and Community Health, produced by Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust, are now available to view and download.

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletins please contact:

Library Bulletin

Digital Mental Health

The current bulletin for Digital Mental Health, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust, is now available to view and download here

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletin please contact: