Library Bulletin

Serious Mental Illness

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust, the latest edition of the Serious Mental Illness bulletin is now available to view.

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Library Bulletin

Physical Health and Mental Illness

With thanks to our colleagues at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust the April bulletin for physical health and mental illness is now available to view and download.

The links to abstracts have been activated in this bulletin and if you click on the title, it will lead you to the abstract.  

Some of the references contained in the bulletin may be an Open Access reference, which will be available for you download and some may be available to download via a LSCFT Athens Account login. Some of the references may be an abstract only, and the full text will have to be requested directly from the library- please contact with your request. .  

Public Health

Current awareness updates

Influenza season 2021–22: what healthcare managers need to know.
Clough I. British Journal of Healthcare Management 2021;27(10):1-4.
[With the influenza season approaching and COVID-19 case numbers remaining high, this article highlights key points for healthcare managers and leaders going into this potentially challenging period.]

The vicious cycle of tobacco use and mental illness – a double burden on health.
World Health Organization (WHO); 2021.
[This new factsheet examines the intricate connections between tobacco use and mental illness. 2 in 3 people with severe mental health conditions are current smokers, which has an enormous impact on health. Reducing smoking among people with mental illness is identified as the single most effective action for reducing the gap in life expectancy.]

British HIV Association guidelines for the management of HIV-2 2021.
British HIV Association (BHIVA); 2021.
[The overall purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on best clinical practice in the treatment and management of adults with HIV-2.]

Promoting the sexual health and wellbeing of people from a Black Caribbean background: an evidence-based resource.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
[Provides information on developing interventions for improved sexual health and wellbeing in people from a Black Caribbean background.]

Sexually transmitted infections: promoting the sexual health and wellbeing of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
[Provides information on developing interventions for improved sexual health and wellbeing among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.]

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, England (Contraception) 2020/21.
NHS Digital; 2021.
[This publication primarily covers contraceptive activity taking place at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in England, as recorded in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD), a mandated collection for all providers of NHS SRH services. The main focus of this report is contraception.]

Overlooked: why we should be doing more to support families and friends affected by someone else’s drinking, drug use or gambling.
Adfam; 2021.
[This report examines Adfam’s latest research with YouGov on the prevalence of people currently negatively affected by the drinking, drug use or gambling of a family member or friend in 2021, and the different challenges and impacts these families currently face. The report’s findings highlight the need for more recognition of the impacts on families and friends, and it includes recommendations on how to better support this overlooked group.]

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): annual data tables.
Public Health England (PHE); 2021.
[Information on STI diagnoses and sexual health services provided in England by demographic characteristics and geographical region.]

Library Bulletin

Serious Mental Illness

The current bulletin for Serious Mental Illness, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust, is now available to view and download here.

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletin please contact:

Library Bulletin

Physical Health and Mental Illness

The current bulletin for physical and mental illness, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust, is now available to view and download.

For any support accessing any of the articles within the bulletin please contact:

Library Bulletin

Mental Illness and Primary Care

The mental illness and primary care current awareness bulletin, produced by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust, is now available to view and download.

For support accessing any of the articles within the bulletin please contact